

Breadth is described by Martin Luther King as the outward reach of a person to bettering society. In terms of my own breadth, I deal with a lot of homeless people almost daily. I work at a gym and that makes it easy for me to interact with homeless people all the time. They often tell me their life stories about how they have fallen into homelessness and they are mostly similar, but a select few have some unique stories. Some of their stories make me interested in finding solutions to helping these people live better lives, but it  would be difficult to help all the homeless people in California, as we have one of the highest homeless populations in the country. There are even some people who have shared stories with me about how they have refused help, so there would also be challenges in sharing the support with people who would take advantage of it to improve their lives. I do what I can to help homeless people that show up to my place of work. I allow them to use the showers and get freshened up before they go on their way. If possible at all, there needs to be a certain facility that could be of use to homeless people that don’t have access to showers, or a place to clean themselves a bit, as there is a pretty big gathering of homeless people near my job, I wonder if there is a place like that where I can direct the to get access to helpful materials.
