Self-Compassion and My Path Forward

    Common humanity is the idea that “to be human means to be imperfect.” You are not alone in your struggle and someone is going through it or already has. A time that I had lacked common humanity is when Covid-19 shut down school for the spring semester of 2020. I had not done well in my classes when they moved online and I thought that I was the only person who was going through that struggle. It only made my struggles worse and I ended up failing one class and dropping my grade in the other. I also thought that I was the only person who let it delay their progress towards a degree, but I know many people who put college on hold until things were a bit more normal. In my future career, collaboration with other colleagues will be a big part of computer projects, and I will need to remember the idea of common humanity when I struggle with certain parts of a project. There could be a button that is not working properly and I could ask other people how they would correct it or if they struggled with a similar concept. Doing this would not only save me from not completing my work, but it would keep me from stressing out over a small part of a bigger project.
