

      Breadth is described by Martin Luther King as the outward reach of a person to bettering society. In terms of my own breadth, I deal with a lot of homeless people almost daily. I work at a gym and that makes it easy for me to interact with homeless people all the time. They often tell me their life stories about how they have fallen into homelessness and they are mostly similar, but a select few have some unique stories. Some of their stories make me interested in finding solutions to helping these people live better lives, but it  would be difficult to help all the homeless people in California, as we have one of the highest homeless populations in the country. There are even some people who have shared stories with me about how they have refused help, so there would also be challenges in sharing the support with people who would take advantage of it to improve their lives. I do what I can to help homeless people that show up to my place of work. I allow them to use the showers

Yosemite's Environmental Struggles

  The air pollution affecting the entire world and creating climate change is also severely affecting Yosemite National Park. With rising temperatures, the snowpack has reduced drastically in size and the waterfalls are being affected by the decrease in snow. Air pollution is also affecting the natural plant life in the park. Ozone is causing harmful effects such as trouble reproducing, growth stunting, and reducing the effectiveness of photosynthesis. The environmental factors affecting Yosemite are a threat to our collective agency. If we don’t take action to reduce the negative factors destroying Yosemite, then we will start to lose the ability to get away from industrialized city life and to experience nature. If things continue to get worse for parks like Yosemite, we might lose a lot more parks in the coming years, and we won't be able to share the experience of nature with future generations. In the future children will grow up experiencing life in bigger cities, bigger subu

Self-Compassion and My Path Forward

     Common humanity is the idea that “ to be human means to be imperfect .” You are not alone in your struggle and someone is going through it or already has. A time that I had lacked common humanity is when Covid-19 shut down school for the spring semester of 2020. I had not done well in my classes when they moved online and I thought that I was the only person who was going through that struggle. It only made my struggles worse and I ended up failing one class and dropping my grade in the other. I also thought that I was the only person who let it delay their progress towards a degree, but I know many people who put college on hold until things were a bit more normal. In my future career, collaboration with other colleagues will be a big part of computer projects, and I will need to remember the idea of common humanity when I struggle with certain parts of a project. There could be a button that is not working properly and I could ask other people how they would correct it or if the

Five Things I Learned in English 100

          Through reading I learned that audiobooks really help me to understand the content better. I've heard a lot about audio books from people I know, but I was never really into reading so the idea of listening to a book wasn't enticing either. Listening to the audiobook of "A Dream Come Home" changed my view on reading, or rather listening. A book I have been wanting to read I purchased as an audiobook and have enjoyed my time listening to it so far.     What I learned about my writing is that my best work comes from days of drafting. I used to think that my first drafts were always good enough to be slightly tweaked into final drafts, but following the due dates assigned on certain sections in English 100, I now see that my writing can always be improved. That can be with things like better flowing sentence structures, more details and specificity, or just better word choices.     Something I learned about my thinking is that I demonstrate, to myself, the defi