Five Things I Learned in English 100


    Through reading I learned that audiobooks really help me to understand the content better. I've heard a lot about audio books from people I know, but I was never really into reading so the idea of listening to a book wasn't enticing either. Listening to the audiobook of "A Dream Come Home" changed my view on reading, or rather listening. A book I have been wanting to read I purchased as an audiobook and have enjoyed my time listening to it so far.

    What I learned about my writing is that my best work comes from days of drafting. I used to think that my first drafts were always good enough to be slightly tweaked into final drafts, but following the due dates assigned on certain sections in English 100, I now see that my writing can always be improved. That can be with things like better flowing sentence structures, more details and specificity, or just better word choices.

    Something I learned about my thinking is that I demonstrate, to myself, the deficit ideology. I am constantly comparing my own intelligence, and knowledge or skill with people in my classes, and I need to learn how to be okay with not being at a certain point yet. This ideology could also be applied to many other aspects of my life, such as work, physical fitness, current career, and so much more.

    I learned that I am a little lacking in self-kindness. I am always putting more pressure on myself than is necessary to complete assignments and do well on them. I need to be able to give myself some room for error, as working full time and being a part time student is pretty difficult.

    The world is very similar to myself, in that there are so many people in situations similar to mine. The idea of common humanity is something that could prove useful to a lot of people around the world. There will be someone who has gone through something similar to myself, or I could have gone through something someone else is currently struggling with. Common humanity helps people to relate to each other and it makes me see that we are very similar.
